looks like this is gonna be a super looooonnnnnnnnggggg entry...hahaha...cuz it consist of so many entries in the past month of May...of which i didnt have time to upload the photos and update my entries....and cuz i couldnt rmb the dates of those events..i couldnt date the entries accordingly...
so....i jus have to do it the lazy way...hahahahah...put it all in one entry...
but if i didnt get the sequence wrong...the events are arranged from the most recent to the least recent....
here it goes:
oops...looks like i've forgotten to rotate my photos before uploading it! haha...tsk tsk tsk...its my bad and lazy habit...
but nevetheless...i thnk its pretty easy to view the photos still... and not that i wanna advertise for tis small crepe store located at suntec L1...opp the popular donut store...but pardon me cuz i actually forgot the nama of the donut...ha! cuz i only support dunkin donuts.. :)
but anyways...back to the crepe store....apparently, it originated from japan...and the fillings they had for the crepes are incredibly delicious...not to mention the Gelato....which makes it less fattening for those who wants to indulge in their ice-cream filling...
yummy...i'll go back for more....
price range for the crepe sets are slightly on the high side...but who cares...its the good food tt matters.....some indulging dun hurt... ha!
hhahaha...look! yang and i own a ferrari each!...hahaha....yalar...its from the arcade actually...but its so cool! haha...we would have taken more photo if there weren't so many passer-bys...hahahaha....

The national runway'08 had been a fresh experience after having missed tis once-a-yearly event for the past 2 years. we took on the shortest and most leisure route - 6km. And its definitely undermining our stamina. it took us only 26min to finish skating the 6km and we were surprised wen we reached the end point....if i had known its going to be so easy i should have tried convincing yang tt we shld go for the 15km one.
AND...i nearly got my chance to havE a free ride at the Go-Kart booth. but sadly...i didnt have toe covered shoes with me so i had to give it a miss...what a waste....i had used san's name to register for the event and had been lucky drawn out for the free ride...sighz....i have to wait till my church camp at KL to play then...
yes!! photos of yang's BX. so cool looking rite? his ATI POP was so awesome. it would have been best if the whole event were to be videoed down...makes me feel like signing on for SAF too...haha....who ask me to be such a sucker for uniformed stuff....haha....but uniforms really gives a sense of collectivism....the pride and honour....for someone as egoistic as me...its no wonder i love it!!
minimal photos were taken wen we went to Macritchie's Tree Top Walk..haha...not tt cuz its tiring...but cuz my parents were walking so fast...we have no time to stop and take photos!
jeff's auto-shuffling majong table..but sadly its spoilt..so there's no way to play majong on it...we end up playing blackjack instead......and i went home with winnings amounting to $9.....the same amount yang yang lost...hahaha...oops....
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