Sprinkling glitter for their artwork during activity time in playclub...their all-time fave!!
Waterplay time....SpLaSh!
she's gave this smile when she saw my camera....my precious little playclub baby!!
and and and!! i just splurged on a Nautica watch tt cost $359 after a 20% discount. hahaha. but its really very nice. unfortunately, i haven had the chance to take a photo of it to show it off here...but i'll do it soon manz....i've been wanting to get one like this for so long...i'm just so glad i finally got it!! but guess wat? i walked passed Bvlgari and i saw a watch tt looked even better! hahah...oops....but dun thnk i'll get it la...heh....i've aldy had so many now...maybe nxt time...
and u must read abt wat happened last night when ting and i and yang went changi airport's Popeye's for dinner!
Apparently, ting, being famished, decided she could talk to me and at hte same time could keep a watchful ear for the popeye's staff's queries. one moment she was talking to me te nxt moment we were bursting out laughing...non-stop... the conversation wnet like this:
me: yeah....later we can blah blah blah
ting: that's right...blah blah blah
staff from the counter nxt to ours, addressing another customer: hi, chilli or ketchup for u?
ting(talking to me halfway, answered loudly): chilli ple...........
oops.....we both realized the guy wasnt talking to us...he was talking to his customer....thus the lady and the guy staff was looking at us in bewilderment....
being unable to help it...i started bursting out in uncontrollable laughter.....ting would have probably wished she could dig a hole to hide in there and then..... and the guy was so cheeky...as he went abt preparing the customer's order, he exclaimed loudly to the staff tt was serving us ----- Li! yer customers wants chilli ah!
we both knew he said tt purposely to tease us....but we were laughing too much and feeling too embarrassed to give any response but took our orders and quickly went back to our table...even the lady serving us couldnt ctrl herself and was laughing a little when she saw us laughing continuously... omg....such things just have to happen when ting is ard....wat a walking joker....the same one tt can walk into glass doors nearly twice within the span of a split sec if i hadnt pulled her away before the second time can happen...thats chuiting for u....manz....
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