This is an interesting article i came across in Yahoo!
Want to burn more fat and calories when you walk, swim, or run? Then take a break.
The rate at which your body burns fuel may be boosted even higher if you break up a long cardio session into two back-to-back 30-minute sessions with a 20-minute break in between. Breather, anyone? Start. Stop. Repeat.
How can scientists tell that a 20-minute rest helps rev up your fat burning? Men in a study who did just that (in between 30-minute sessions on a stationary bike) showed elevated blood levels of free fatty acids -- higher blood levels than those produced during a single 60-minute cycling session. And that bump in free fatty acids is a sign of increased fat burning: Circulating blood levels of free fatty acids go up when your body starts to break down fat.
More Ways to Burn FatHere are a few more ways to boost the fat- and calorie-burning powers of your power workouts:
Do cardio before strength training.
Here's why:
Maximize the calorie-burning benefits of your workout by tackling cardiovascular exercise before strength training.
Doing cardio first can help you exercise longer, and thus burn more calories, than you would if you were tired out by weight training first.
And finishing your workout with weights helps boost post-workout metabolism -- the rate at which your body burns calories after you're done.
The result may be an overall better calorie burn, according to a small study. Although all types of exercise -- cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility -- help you burn calories, cardio workouts result in the greatest calorie burn.
Because of this, it may be best to do your cardio exercises first while you are fresh. You're likely to spend more time on aerobic exercise and work out harder if you haven't tired yourself out by doing other kinds of exercises first.
On the other hand, strength training results in the greatest boost in post-exercise calorie burning. It boosts your metabolism for a longer period of time, helping your body burn more calories after your workout is done.
Ultimately, this means that doing your cardio workout first can help ensure that you achieve the maximum calorie burn from it, and ending your workout with a strength-training session helps ensure your post-exercise metabolism stays high.
Eat more of this:
Your exercise program is more likely to help you burn off the fat that you eat if you consume mostly unsaturated fats.
recent study revealed how exercising helps the body oxidize, or burn, fat consumed long after the workout. However, in the study, exercise appeared to help burn only the unsaturated fats consumed. It had no effect on the rate at which the body oxidized saturated fats eaten at a later meal.
Exercising can help your body burn the fat that you eat even hours after you have finished your workout. However, the kind of fat that you eat makes a difference. Exercise appears to help your body more efficiently burn unsaturated fats eaten at a later meal.
Unsaturated fats are fats that come almost exclusively from plants products, such as olive oil or canola oil. Saturated fats come almost exclusively from animal sources, such as lard and butter.
Build some muscle. The more muscle you have, the more readily your body burns calories.
RealAge Benefit:
A physical activity program that builds stamina, strength, and flexibility can make your RealAge as much as 8.1 years younger.
Try It:Exercise for 30, rest for 20, exercise for 30 -- SET -- GO!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
yst was at daniel's hse with ting, and shawn...we watched 'mean girls' and had an amazing time imitating the way they talked...kinda liked it!! pls pardon me if i suddenly talked to u the way they did...ahahahahhahaha...
and after tt we watched 'cars'...its a really good movie....on the whole...we really enjoyed ourselves spending the evening watching comedies..heh...
before tt we were actually at suntec's carrefour buying all kinds of liquor...getting ready to make all kinds of our fave drinks for our chalet on the 28th..i hope i dun get knocked out though...nope..i refused to get knocked out...i must drink the money's worth..haha...kiasuism....
and daniel actually bought a bottle of 'disco' version volkda from the airport when he flew back from california...i love the bottle casing!! so i'm asking daryl if he could get it for me when he comes back from australia....with the casing, i can transform our living room into a disco and have my own mambo night!!! hahahahhha...
ooh....just thinking of it is making me feeling so thrilled!!! hahahha.....i must show it to martin manz...he's definitely gonna laugh when he sees the casing... alright..let me put up some photos to prove my case :D
lovely isnt it??? i must get it!!!!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
woo hoo!! somebody finally installed the chinese software in my com so now i can read chinese on my com!! haha...i thnk its my dad who did it since my mum loved reading chinese articles on the net...
well well....its no big deal to some but to me, it is manz....cuz its rather irritating tt friends who uses chinese nick and i cant read it...hahaha...not tt i cared very much...just curious la...hahahaha....
well anyways, today had been a really fun christmas celebration at church. the number of prezzies we received were quite overwhealming---considering we receive prezzies in 3's...hahaha...
and huiming gave me a book mark....the stuff written on it is super meaningful...i just have to share it---
" Ever wonder why we have candy canes for christmas?
when you flip the candy cane around, it is shaped like a J which stands for Jesus Christ.
The red stripes stands for the pain that He has suffered for us.
The white stripes stands for the purity of Jesus, His whole life. "
Very is here again. This day, marks the birth of the new King of the world. The reason that we lived. May this christmas bring about much joy and laughter to all of us. and amidst all the gifts exchange, may we continue to remember in our hearts that the greatest gift we've ever received had been the eternal life that Jesus gave to us as He suffered and died on the cross. By His blood, our sins are cleanse and by the stripes He bore, we are healed.
in this season of giving, may we give out lots of love and care to the people ard us....and let it continue the whole year round and round and round...
basically...just shower love to evrybody....just like how Jesus had showered His love for us :)
Have a Blessed Christmas my friends!!!!
well well....its no big deal to some but to me, it is manz....cuz its rather irritating tt friends who uses chinese nick and i cant read it...hahaha...not tt i cared very much...just curious la...hahahaha....
well anyways, today had been a really fun christmas celebration at church. the number of prezzies we received were quite overwhealming---considering we receive prezzies in 3's...hahaha...
and huiming gave me a book mark....the stuff written on it is super meaningful...i just have to share it---
" Ever wonder why we have candy canes for christmas?
when you flip the candy cane around, it is shaped like a J which stands for Jesus Christ.
The red stripes stands for the pain that He has suffered for us.
The white stripes stands for the purity of Jesus, His whole life. "
Very is here again. This day, marks the birth of the new King of the world. The reason that we lived. May this christmas bring about much joy and laughter to all of us. and amidst all the gifts exchange, may we continue to remember in our hearts that the greatest gift we've ever received had been the eternal life that Jesus gave to us as He suffered and died on the cross. By His blood, our sins are cleanse and by the stripes He bore, we are healed.
in this season of giving, may we give out lots of love and care to the people ard us....and let it continue the whole year round and round and round...
basically...just shower love to evrybody....just like how Jesus had showered His love for us :)
Have a Blessed Christmas my friends!!!!
Friday, December 21, 2007
right now i'm at my fren's hse. so coincidentally, he was actually staying at exactly the same blk as martin! haha. i had always known that he stayed at the same condo as martin but i was really surprised that it had been the same blk. haha. seem like the world is really really small after all. sometimes i did wonder if he'll happen to be staying at the same blk and thus wen i bwas at martin's hse i would wonder wat are the chances i would bump into edmond. haha. but of course, all this are rather irrelevant. ha!
but well, having met up with some of my sjab frens after abt a year, brought back much happy memories. seeing how much everyone had grown up, some changed in the way they looked, some loved clubbign as much as i did, some seemingly staying the same as they had been.... regardless of it had been extremely heartwarming to have met up with them again... those times we went through while we were in sec sch would be in heart and memories forever... those had been the good and wonderful still is right now.... so much jokes and laughters...
it made me realized that maybe certain things hadnt changed much....the matters of the heart among some people...i dunno...maybe?
some emo music is playing right i guess my entry is getting emo? or issit the chivas thats taking effect upon me? i've something in mind right now. i've some issues, which in my current mental state i wished i could comprehend and make up my mind abt. but i guess the lack of courage ultimately take precedence.
i hate thus feeling though. always wishing for something but knwing i might just not get it? life's always like that. i've gotta admit. i may know tt i've gotten wats the best but i still want more. the grass on the other side is ALWAYS greener. someone pls teach me not to be so greedy? sighz... when can i ever learn to be satisfied with wat i already possess?
when it comes to certain matters with regards to the heart...its really mind boggling...if only.....fantasies can turn out real one day...but when the fantasies are lived out, i'm sure i'll have more things i'm unsatisfied abt...
well cant blame me rite? all girls want to have their relationships like that of fairytales of some sort. though i may seem too old for fairytales...i still wished for it nevertheless.....reading too much romance stories? watching too much romance movies? i dunno....but i do wish my fairytale fantasies can come true...
(fairytale fantasies )
( come true? )
but well, having met up with some of my sjab frens after abt a year, brought back much happy memories. seeing how much everyone had grown up, some changed in the way they looked, some loved clubbign as much as i did, some seemingly staying the same as they had been.... regardless of it had been extremely heartwarming to have met up with them again... those times we went through while we were in sec sch would be in heart and memories forever... those had been the good and wonderful still is right now.... so much jokes and laughters...
it made me realized that maybe certain things hadnt changed much....the matters of the heart among some people...i dunno...maybe?
some emo music is playing right i guess my entry is getting emo? or issit the chivas thats taking effect upon me? i've something in mind right now. i've some issues, which in my current mental state i wished i could comprehend and make up my mind abt. but i guess the lack of courage ultimately take precedence.
i hate thus feeling though. always wishing for something but knwing i might just not get it? life's always like that. i've gotta admit. i may know tt i've gotten wats the best but i still want more. the grass on the other side is ALWAYS greener. someone pls teach me not to be so greedy? sighz... when can i ever learn to be satisfied with wat i already possess?
when it comes to certain matters with regards to the heart...its really mind boggling...if only.....fantasies can turn out real one day...but when the fantasies are lived out, i'm sure i'll have more things i'm unsatisfied abt...
well cant blame me rite? all girls want to have their relationships like that of fairytales of some sort. though i may seem too old for fairytales...i still wished for it nevertheless.....reading too much romance stories? watching too much romance movies? i dunno....but i do wish my fairytale fantasies can come true...
(fairytale fantasies )
( come true? )
Monday, December 17, 2007
alright... now's the time to upload some way overdue pics that were supposed to be up like...1-2 weeks ago?

the 2nd cutest looking car i've seen on the road so far....too bad cant manage to put up the one thats super super cute...that will have to wait till i get a proper pic of it....and its in my fave colour!!----Orange!

the 2nd cutest looking car i've seen on the road so far....too bad cant manage to put up the one thats super super cute...that will have to wait till i get a proper pic of it....and its in my fave colour!!----Orange!

a chilling out session with Elisa, Cheryl and Ting at Martini Firm...and before that, we had some yummy-licious dinner!! check out the photos......
my mood for today: *BIG SMILE*
Thursday, December 13, 2007
yst night at zouk turned out to be really enjoyable..
initially, wen it was just ting and myself, a weird guy approached us... we didnt really react the way he tot we would and so he walked off looking damn pissed... ha!
this incident made me just wanna go home.... cuz supposedly we were to meet up with daryl and maybe later into the night, martin.... but daryl went off to velvet underground first...
but out of totally desperation i smsed him to come and find us with his friends as it made me feel better if we were in a big group..
and he did came... so sweet of him... and yup, after tt, ting made friends with the guys who were sharing tables with us and so the rest of the night had us immersed in non-stop dancing...
had so much fun over at the mambo jumbo side where daryl did all sort of silly dance...haha...
but of course i didnt forget abt martin supposedly to join me... so i smsed him... only to find out tt it was full house and he cannot enter and so he was off.....sighz....or it would have been even more fun with him ard...who's another super mambo fanatic fan! the end ting and i was tired tt we decided to leave at 3...and the night ended for us all in the best of mood....
many thanks to daryl for being so sweet nad generous for treating ting and myself to a flaming....hahaha....all in all...whether there's treat or not...we all enjoyed was a good de-stress for everyone!
initially, wen it was just ting and myself, a weird guy approached us... we didnt really react the way he tot we would and so he walked off looking damn pissed... ha!
this incident made me just wanna go home.... cuz supposedly we were to meet up with daryl and maybe later into the night, martin.... but daryl went off to velvet underground first...
but out of totally desperation i smsed him to come and find us with his friends as it made me feel better if we were in a big group..
and he did came... so sweet of him... and yup, after tt, ting made friends with the guys who were sharing tables with us and so the rest of the night had us immersed in non-stop dancing...
had so much fun over at the mambo jumbo side where daryl did all sort of silly dance...haha...
but of course i didnt forget abt martin supposedly to join me... so i smsed him... only to find out tt it was full house and he cannot enter and so he was off.....sighz....or it would have been even more fun with him ard...who's another super mambo fanatic fan! the end ting and i was tired tt we decided to leave at 3...and the night ended for us all in the best of mood....
many thanks to daryl for being so sweet nad generous for treating ting and myself to a flaming....hahaha....all in all...whether there's treat or not...we all enjoyed was a good de-stress for everyone!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
hols are here....but work is far from over...
there are tons and tons of resources to be completed before the new term starts....
i might be contemplating to quit JGC, but i'll definitely make sure i do a good job on my part so tt i dun leave the rest in the lurge...
why did i decide to quit eventhough i was perfectly happy working there...and these few days, i got even more acquainted with my colleagues from forum......but its really how the company is treating their staff that pissed me off and i cant stand to stay for another moment.... sighz...but i dun thnk its too convenient to put it up here anyways....
maybe i'll just give a narration of what happened today that spiralled a whole unfolding of 'truths' that had been utterly disgusted with the management...but in case i get sued for defamation, i cant reveal too much....
today, all the probational Assistant Teachers(AT) were to report to forum at 8.30am for a briefing by a HR personnel...its regarding the rules and regulations of being allowed to work from home.....however, even as i reached at 8.35, there wasnt a single soul to be seen.....but minutes later, some colleagues start streaming in....
we were just sitting ard, chit chatting...not knowing what to do...cuz the senior ATs were not here having no instructions to act upon, we decided to start on some resources tt we were supposed to complete at home(but cuz we cant bring all of it home yst, there were still some left at the school studio..which was supposed to be brought home today)....
in my opinion, that was good initiative on our part....rather than wasting time doing aimless stuff, we were making our time useful and this point anything wrong with that? be my judge....
then the 2 senior ATs abt 9.10? 9.20?..i didnt noticed exactly...but i know they sure are late..i've no qualms abt tt...we're all used to it anyway....
and then one of them started screaming at my colleague to stop what we're doing cuz there's other things to be done in the studio. WTF?
"i tot we were here for a briefing?"...that was the tot that went thru my head...
apparently, nobody have any idea when the HR colleague is going to arrived, but she does have LOTS of instructions on what we can do while we're there...
ok...lets fast forward....some conversations were exchanged and i decided i need to speak up or i feel like i'm gonna burst with frustration...
"Zach....i need to say something....i need to say something!!"
with that, everybody gave me absolutely attention........
"i dun understand why is it wrong to do our resources in school now since u guys temporarily had nothing for us to do? u mean its wiser for us to slack ard than be productive?"
"no chuiyee, there's nothing wrong. but u know wat? welcome to the real world"
"u know wat? wat i'm trying to get across is, we guys were early, eventhough not on time...but wen we were here...u and shob wasnt here yet. although i dunno why u guys were late, but u guys were late. so since we all had NO idea what we can do, we are making ourselves useful by doing the resources. why shld we be scolded for it? ok...i wasnt scolded...but why shld elizabeth be scolded?"
"no...we didnt scold her"
"well...not exactly scolded...but she was told off.....i dun see why we shld be told off in anyway! we were making good use of time!"
and then Zach went on to give me a long list of explanation.....which got me frustrated and guilty.... cuz Zach had treated me really really really well while i was super new in Evans...and he taught me so much.....gave me so much leeways...shared so much with me.....i totally appreciated him with all my its making me real guity for quarrelling with him now....but i just cant hold back my anger with the sense of injustice i felt for elizabeth...
and in the end, i burst out crying
"chuiyee! why are u crying?" Zach was really shocked
"its cuz i'm frustrated tt u dun get my message!!"
"i do! i know what u're trying to say but i'm telling u, u got it all wrong"
and so the 'conversation' went on......
but well...things settled soon after my burst of tears...i felt much better and appeased....and after lunch, shoba also gave us(particularly to me) her explantion...and well...i guess i cld accept it...and i love her as much as i loved Zach for all the things they did for me....
eventhough this episode ended quite happily-ever-after(with zach constantly talking to me just so tt he can make sure i'm really alright...which is super sweet of him) but alot of other things came tumbling out in my conversation with my fellow ATs.... it got me worked up again....but i didnt speak with zach or shob abt it cuz it doesnt concern them.....but got me horribly irritated and disgusted with the politics tt i decided this place is not for me to stay....
whn i spoke to my mum and sisters abt it...they shared my view and we all just had to accept tt this is the ways of working life in a working environment....
since all places are going to this way, then i'd rather i move on to another company where i get much better paid...ha!
i'm gonna miss my friends though.....and!!! my BABIES!!!...oh dear....sighz..thats opportunity cost for me i guess....if i want more dough..then i need to sacrifice the part on job satisfaction......but my boss is too much of a meanie for me to stand it...bleag!
so rants and reasons for deciding to leave the company..and trust me...i'm so gonna let them know exactly how i felt which made me come upon this decision!
there are tons and tons of resources to be completed before the new term starts....
i might be contemplating to quit JGC, but i'll definitely make sure i do a good job on my part so tt i dun leave the rest in the lurge...
why did i decide to quit eventhough i was perfectly happy working there...and these few days, i got even more acquainted with my colleagues from forum......but its really how the company is treating their staff that pissed me off and i cant stand to stay for another moment.... sighz...but i dun thnk its too convenient to put it up here anyways....
maybe i'll just give a narration of what happened today that spiralled a whole unfolding of 'truths' that had been utterly disgusted with the management...but in case i get sued for defamation, i cant reveal too much....
today, all the probational Assistant Teachers(AT) were to report to forum at 8.30am for a briefing by a HR personnel...its regarding the rules and regulations of being allowed to work from home.....however, even as i reached at 8.35, there wasnt a single soul to be seen.....but minutes later, some colleagues start streaming in....
we were just sitting ard, chit chatting...not knowing what to do...cuz the senior ATs were not here having no instructions to act upon, we decided to start on some resources tt we were supposed to complete at home(but cuz we cant bring all of it home yst, there were still some left at the school studio..which was supposed to be brought home today)....
in my opinion, that was good initiative on our part....rather than wasting time doing aimless stuff, we were making our time useful and this point anything wrong with that? be my judge....
then the 2 senior ATs abt 9.10? 9.20?..i didnt noticed exactly...but i know they sure are late..i've no qualms abt tt...we're all used to it anyway....
and then one of them started screaming at my colleague to stop what we're doing cuz there's other things to be done in the studio. WTF?
"i tot we were here for a briefing?"...that was the tot that went thru my head...
apparently, nobody have any idea when the HR colleague is going to arrived, but she does have LOTS of instructions on what we can do while we're there...
ok...lets fast forward....some conversations were exchanged and i decided i need to speak up or i feel like i'm gonna burst with frustration...
"Zach....i need to say something....i need to say something!!"
with that, everybody gave me absolutely attention........
"i dun understand why is it wrong to do our resources in school now since u guys temporarily had nothing for us to do? u mean its wiser for us to slack ard than be productive?"
"no chuiyee, there's nothing wrong. but u know wat? welcome to the real world"
"u know wat? wat i'm trying to get across is, we guys were early, eventhough not on time...but wen we were here...u and shob wasnt here yet. although i dunno why u guys were late, but u guys were late. so since we all had NO idea what we can do, we are making ourselves useful by doing the resources. why shld we be scolded for it? ok...i wasnt scolded...but why shld elizabeth be scolded?"
"no...we didnt scold her"
"well...not exactly scolded...but she was told off.....i dun see why we shld be told off in anyway! we were making good use of time!"
and then Zach went on to give me a long list of explanation.....which got me frustrated and guilty.... cuz Zach had treated me really really really well while i was super new in Evans...and he taught me so much.....gave me so much leeways...shared so much with me.....i totally appreciated him with all my its making me real guity for quarrelling with him now....but i just cant hold back my anger with the sense of injustice i felt for elizabeth...
and in the end, i burst out crying
"chuiyee! why are u crying?" Zach was really shocked
"its cuz i'm frustrated tt u dun get my message!!"
"i do! i know what u're trying to say but i'm telling u, u got it all wrong"
and so the 'conversation' went on......
but well...things settled soon after my burst of tears...i felt much better and appeased....and after lunch, shoba also gave us(particularly to me) her explantion...and well...i guess i cld accept it...and i love her as much as i loved Zach for all the things they did for me....
eventhough this episode ended quite happily-ever-after(with zach constantly talking to me just so tt he can make sure i'm really alright...which is super sweet of him) but alot of other things came tumbling out in my conversation with my fellow ATs.... it got me worked up again....but i didnt speak with zach or shob abt it cuz it doesnt concern them.....but got me horribly irritated and disgusted with the politics tt i decided this place is not for me to stay....
whn i spoke to my mum and sisters abt it...they shared my view and we all just had to accept tt this is the ways of working life in a working environment....
since all places are going to this way, then i'd rather i move on to another company where i get much better paid...ha!
i'm gonna miss my friends though.....and!!! my BABIES!!!...oh dear....sighz..thats opportunity cost for me i guess....if i want more dough..then i need to sacrifice the part on job satisfaction......but my boss is too much of a meanie for me to stand it...bleag!
so rants and reasons for deciding to leave the company..and trust me...i'm so gonna let them know exactly how i felt which made me come upon this decision!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
holiday programmes are finally over. everyday are so packed with activities from work and a little from church that i hardly had the time to do any updates on my blog.
for the first week of hol programme, i had updated briefly. come second week, where i had to assist in all the 3 nest classes, and with all the setting up, toys cleaning up and resources to do, i just cant seem to find time to use the office com at all.
days came and past. thoughts came to mind and without the opportunity to put it into words, it was soon forgotten. good thing i still had pictures to remind me of the good times i had during the past weeks. but currently..i'm seriously too lazy to put it up..hahha....
for the first week of hol programme, i had updated briefly. come second week, where i had to assist in all the 3 nest classes, and with all the setting up, toys cleaning up and resources to do, i just cant seem to find time to use the office com at all.
days came and past. thoughts came to mind and without the opportunity to put it into words, it was soon forgotten. good thing i still had pictures to remind me of the good times i had during the past weeks. but currently..i'm seriously too lazy to put it up..hahha....
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
mm...i happened to be browzing thru a friend's friend's blog and came across this link....
really interesting and meaningful(i hope)
try it!
really interesting and meaningful(i hope)
try it!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
so much had been happening recently...
it was party week for the past week...and my school is celebrating christmas....heh...and i love christmas SO much...its the one and only festive season that i really enjoyed...and i was asked to be the was fun giving out prezzie to the babies but i thnk i make a rather boring santa..heh...
oh..i miss my tagboard!! i hadnt had the time to put a new one back up again..sobz...
but tt hols is approaching, i'll soon have the time to do it.
was having lunch in the room by myself today..den Zita came in...i was telling her my parents would be out of town from 21-26..yeah!!! haha...den we became so excited discussing all abt the plans we could make....since now we do not have to worry even if we're home super late..hahahaha...ooh..i cant wait!!! haha...
and pay day's coming! hmm...not much things in mind tt i wanna spend on....maybe i'll just splurge on my seafood buffet tt i had been craving for so darn long! haha...alright...shall make plans with my buddies....
oh...sighz....not too looking forward to this sunday's children church. heh. cuz i made my pastor really angry with me. but...sighz....aunty susan's a nice person..haha...and it wasnt really a big problem....but still....i wun do it again manz.... heh...
and then there's my responsibility to write the script for the graduation event at church. i haven gotten down to writing it...not even the slightest idea how......sighz!!! i need inspiration fast!!!!!
alright. maybe i should take the time to think abt it now....
it was party week for the past week...and my school is celebrating christmas....heh...and i love christmas SO much...its the one and only festive season that i really enjoyed...and i was asked to be the was fun giving out prezzie to the babies but i thnk i make a rather boring santa..heh...
oh..i miss my tagboard!! i hadnt had the time to put a new one back up again..sobz...
but tt hols is approaching, i'll soon have the time to do it.
was having lunch in the room by myself today..den Zita came in...i was telling her my parents would be out of town from 21-26..yeah!!! haha...den we became so excited discussing all abt the plans we could make....since now we do not have to worry even if we're home super late..hahahaha...ooh..i cant wait!!! haha...
and pay day's coming! hmm...not much things in mind tt i wanna spend on....maybe i'll just splurge on my seafood buffet tt i had been craving for so darn long! haha...alright...shall make plans with my buddies....
oh...sighz....not too looking forward to this sunday's children church. heh. cuz i made my pastor really angry with me. but...sighz....aunty susan's a nice person..haha...and it wasnt really a big problem....but still....i wun do it again manz.... heh...
and then there's my responsibility to write the script for the graduation event at church. i haven gotten down to writing it...not even the slightest idea how......sighz!!! i need inspiration fast!!!!!
alright. maybe i should take the time to think abt it now....
Sunday, November 11, 2007 i've found
the greatest love of all is mine
since you lay down your life
the greatest sacrifice...
this is one of my all-time favourite christian song. sadly though, i hardly listened to this song so i didnt know the words well enough to put it up in my blog. its really a very very meaningful song.
and its also a gentle reminder for me of the love God had for me and i for Him. many thots raced through my head as i sang the song in church this morning. i realized i was beginning to forget about the priorities for my life. its time i rearrange my priorities and set my path in the right direction.
the sense of guilt was rather overwhelming as i thot of how i had been so caught up with the ways of man, rather than that of God. going to church really does help to build up our walk with God. esp when my senior pastor is going to steer us all in the direction of building deeper knowledge about the word of God.
feeling refreshed by the sermon, i had a more anointing time during children church. although the whole time i had been extremely drowzy from my medicine, but i enjoyed CC thoroughly.
CC's AGM was fun as usual. it was quite a relief that there's gonna be only 5 special events for 2008. i'm a little worried however. for the fact, i was made i/c for one of the special event i had volunteered to contribute for the planning. sighz. i'm not exactly an organised or responsible person. unless i'm extremely enthu abt it....i'm not sure i can lead the team.
my sis was actually the one who was hoping to head one of the event. and i'm 100% sure she is 110% more capable than me to do the job. but sighz. i guess God knew tt all the more i needed the training more than my sis did and so i was appointed instead of her. oh well....i'll just make sure i learn the most out of the whole experience and gain much out of it. planning is a crucial part of our everyday life. so might as well get the hang of this skill!
i miss my darling. and i miss those friends who are still in camp. sighz. as liyi, ting and i were discussing abt the possibility of a beach vacation, the memories of me going to Tioman with my friends came rushing back. if only that can happened again. it would be difficult to get a big group of friends to go for such vacations again, since evryone had different commitments and busy schedules now.
sighz. i miss everyone so much.
cant write now. so tired. my medication kicking in........
the greatest love of all is mine
since you lay down your life
the greatest sacrifice...
this is one of my all-time favourite christian song. sadly though, i hardly listened to this song so i didnt know the words well enough to put it up in my blog. its really a very very meaningful song.
and its also a gentle reminder for me of the love God had for me and i for Him. many thots raced through my head as i sang the song in church this morning. i realized i was beginning to forget about the priorities for my life. its time i rearrange my priorities and set my path in the right direction.
the sense of guilt was rather overwhelming as i thot of how i had been so caught up with the ways of man, rather than that of God. going to church really does help to build up our walk with God. esp when my senior pastor is going to steer us all in the direction of building deeper knowledge about the word of God.
feeling refreshed by the sermon, i had a more anointing time during children church. although the whole time i had been extremely drowzy from my medicine, but i enjoyed CC thoroughly.
CC's AGM was fun as usual. it was quite a relief that there's gonna be only 5 special events for 2008. i'm a little worried however. for the fact, i was made i/c for one of the special event i had volunteered to contribute for the planning. sighz. i'm not exactly an organised or responsible person. unless i'm extremely enthu abt it....i'm not sure i can lead the team.
my sis was actually the one who was hoping to head one of the event. and i'm 100% sure she is 110% more capable than me to do the job. but sighz. i guess God knew tt all the more i needed the training more than my sis did and so i was appointed instead of her. oh well....i'll just make sure i learn the most out of the whole experience and gain much out of it. planning is a crucial part of our everyday life. so might as well get the hang of this skill!
i miss my darling. and i miss those friends who are still in camp. sighz. as liyi, ting and i were discussing abt the possibility of a beach vacation, the memories of me going to Tioman with my friends came rushing back. if only that can happened again. it would be difficult to get a big group of friends to go for such vacations again, since evryone had different commitments and busy schedules now.
sighz. i miss everyone so much.
cant write now. so tired. my medication kicking in........
Monday, November 5, 2007
oh and i forgot to add.
martin and chuenhwee, i'm sorry to hear tt it had rained almost throughout yer whole field camp! heez.....maybe i only remembered to pray for their safety and forgot abt the good weather part. nvm. now i'll definitely rmb. especially when my darling yang yang has his fieldcamp coming up real soon.hahahhaha.
but yeah. after hearing abt another of martin's near-accident while he was driving, i am so glad he's now still well and alive. that boy. someone needs to remind him not to drive if he's tired!
oh pardon me. i shouldnt be calling him a boy anymore. since NS is when ''where the boys become men''..hhahahahahahah.....
martin and chuenhwee, i'm sorry to hear tt it had rained almost throughout yer whole field camp! heez.....maybe i only remembered to pray for their safety and forgot abt the good weather part. nvm. now i'll definitely rmb. especially when my darling yang yang has his fieldcamp coming up real soon.hahahhaha.
but yeah. after hearing abt another of martin's near-accident while he was driving, i am so glad he's now still well and alive. that boy. someone needs to remind him not to drive if he's tired!
oh pardon me. i shouldnt be calling him a boy anymore. since NS is when ''where the boys become men''..hhahahahahahah.....
Oh.My.Goodness. Its november!!
i cant believe i'm once again writing in a post with the statement "its a brand new month once again!".... time is simply passing too fast...HeLP!!
life at JGC is still exciting as ever. the troublesome mum for the 11.30 playclub came in to class one fine day and asked for me...
when i heard her asking "who's chuiyee? where's she??"
what went thru my mind instantly was, "uh-oh. fuck. did i offend her or her daughter??"
in my calmest voice, i walk towards her and said "hello! i'm chuiyee. anything the matter?"(and with my signature big and innocent smile)
To my UTMOST RELIEF..she said to her daughter "oh look! here's chuiyee. baby, u were asking for her rite? come, give her a hug. mummy gotta be off...blah blah blah"
but anyways, now i feel a tad more stressed now. maybe this is the challenge God is putting me thru. a difficult child and a difficult parent. but i must shower them with lots of love and grace. i can do it........right? (pls say yes and pray really fervently for me! i'm still under probation for this job!!)
and then there was sat. only such terrible things can happen to me. i made a mistake of asking ting abt my reporting time for work. i dunno why she would tell me i can reach at 10 since the first class i'm assisting is at 10:45. 9am, Su called to ask why i wasnt at work yet and there's supposed to be a class for me to cover.
i was really panicking manz. good thing i was almost done preparing and could get out of the house in the shortest possible time. and thank God there was Sankaree to cover the class for me. or i would be in the deepest shit and might probably had to kiss my job good-bye.
it was a good thing Su calmed down and forgave me. but i guessed i would feel damn awkward when i nxt see her again. sighz. stupidity just runs in the family(maybe just for ting and myself).
actually i had no idea why i gave the impression tt i'm blur? people who knew me well enuf knows tt i'm actually a pretty organised person with good leadership sense. in my 20 yrs, i've taken up leadership positions when the occassion calls for it and i did my job well. and knowing myself, i'm actually a fast learner. i nv allowed myself to drag others down because of my incompetencies. but cuz i'm just human, i know i need to give myself sufficient time to absorb all the new knowledge and skills that i pick up along the way. to help myself learn faster, i would ask questions to clarify my doubts.
i know i'm doing well at JGC. and colleagues had nv failed to affirm me of my assitance to them. but i cant help but wonder why am i still committing many senseless mistakes. though we all have a good laugh at ourselves at the end of the day, but i dun really like having people think ting and myself share only 1 brain. but yeah. its all a joke. as long as we can do our job well, teeny weeny idiotic mistakes wun ruin anything with regards to our reputation(esp wen almost every teacher loves announcing out tt we're a set of triplets).
then there was sat night's out with my usual frens. at the usual hangout at Mambo Billiards. i swear tt i'm so gonna get my personal pool cue and sell off my billiard cue since i seldom play billiard now.
and martin was just re-countering his field camp experiences. and using his cue's leather holder to act like his rifle. and it really did seem like one. haha.
but that night had been fun. realized i missed having him ard the past 2 weekends. he's like one of the few that can make everything tt we do seem fun and fulfilling. even the drive home. i cant help but told him " if it wasnt tt late, and if u hadnt been tt tired, i would have requested for u to drive slower so tt i can enjoy the songs in yer car"...ha!....i mean u cant blame me manz. we share the same love for music of the same genre and he always has many nice songs to share with me... and always end up having to burn many CDs for me...hahahahaha...but yeah...he's one hell of a great great friend....if he had been one of my babies at JGC, before i get off his car and said my bye, i would have hugged and kissed him non-stop like how i treat my baby Aiden Bumblebee!!!! hahahahaha....
oh i miss my babies so much....cant wait for tuesday to come...
i cant believe i'm once again writing in a post with the statement "its a brand new month once again!".... time is simply passing too fast...HeLP!!
life at JGC is still exciting as ever. the troublesome mum for the 11.30 playclub came in to class one fine day and asked for me...
when i heard her asking "who's chuiyee? where's she??"
what went thru my mind instantly was, "uh-oh. fuck. did i offend her or her daughter??"
in my calmest voice, i walk towards her and said "hello! i'm chuiyee. anything the matter?"(and with my signature big and innocent smile)
To my UTMOST RELIEF..she said to her daughter "oh look! here's chuiyee. baby, u were asking for her rite? come, give her a hug. mummy gotta be off...blah blah blah"
but anyways, now i feel a tad more stressed now. maybe this is the challenge God is putting me thru. a difficult child and a difficult parent. but i must shower them with lots of love and grace. i can do it........right? (pls say yes and pray really fervently for me! i'm still under probation for this job!!)
and then there was sat. only such terrible things can happen to me. i made a mistake of asking ting abt my reporting time for work. i dunno why she would tell me i can reach at 10 since the first class i'm assisting is at 10:45. 9am, Su called to ask why i wasnt at work yet and there's supposed to be a class for me to cover.
i was really panicking manz. good thing i was almost done preparing and could get out of the house in the shortest possible time. and thank God there was Sankaree to cover the class for me. or i would be in the deepest shit and might probably had to kiss my job good-bye.
it was a good thing Su calmed down and forgave me. but i guessed i would feel damn awkward when i nxt see her again. sighz. stupidity just runs in the family(maybe just for ting and myself).
actually i had no idea why i gave the impression tt i'm blur? people who knew me well enuf knows tt i'm actually a pretty organised person with good leadership sense. in my 20 yrs, i've taken up leadership positions when the occassion calls for it and i did my job well. and knowing myself, i'm actually a fast learner. i nv allowed myself to drag others down because of my incompetencies. but cuz i'm just human, i know i need to give myself sufficient time to absorb all the new knowledge and skills that i pick up along the way. to help myself learn faster, i would ask questions to clarify my doubts.
i know i'm doing well at JGC. and colleagues had nv failed to affirm me of my assitance to them. but i cant help but wonder why am i still committing many senseless mistakes. though we all have a good laugh at ourselves at the end of the day, but i dun really like having people think ting and myself share only 1 brain. but yeah. its all a joke. as long as we can do our job well, teeny weeny idiotic mistakes wun ruin anything with regards to our reputation(esp wen almost every teacher loves announcing out tt we're a set of triplets).
then there was sat night's out with my usual frens. at the usual hangout at Mambo Billiards. i swear tt i'm so gonna get my personal pool cue and sell off my billiard cue since i seldom play billiard now.
and martin was just re-countering his field camp experiences. and using his cue's leather holder to act like his rifle. and it really did seem like one. haha.
but that night had been fun. realized i missed having him ard the past 2 weekends. he's like one of the few that can make everything tt we do seem fun and fulfilling. even the drive home. i cant help but told him " if it wasnt tt late, and if u hadnt been tt tired, i would have requested for u to drive slower so tt i can enjoy the songs in yer car"...ha!....i mean u cant blame me manz. we share the same love for music of the same genre and he always has many nice songs to share with me... and always end up having to burn many CDs for me...hahahahaha...but yeah...he's one hell of a great great friend....if he had been one of my babies at JGC, before i get off his car and said my bye, i would have hugged and kissed him non-stop like how i treat my baby Aiden Bumblebee!!!! hahahahaha....
oh i miss my babies so much....cant wait for tuesday to come...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
having my lunch break now...
seeing that nobody is using the com, i decided to blog in a quick post.
class was great today. as my sis is on MC, i was asked to cover her class. it was good to see that the kids are aldy comfortable with me ard and are coming up to me with hugs and kisses. playtime had never been more fun and easier.
my Aiden bumblebee aka 'my new boyfriend'...actually gave me a super bright smile when he saw me as he entered the studio. really made my day. and then there was my shy little samuel. still shy as ever but at least he's responding well when i talked to him.
and there's so many of them. in fact all.....really welcomed me. the 2 morning playclubs that i took had been one of the best ever. i would never want the class to end. but of course...sankaree, Zita and i were super worn out after all the jumping and singing... heh...but nv had such tiring job brought so much joy and laughter throughout and end.
this had got to be the best job ever.
its just too bad that their photos cant be put up. or i can show off all my darlings.
they're truely darlings. no matter those times when they can do things to make us angry or upset...they're always adorable and darlings of ours....
what wonderful days i had at work...
looking forward to my playnest class at 3pm!!
seeing that nobody is using the com, i decided to blog in a quick post.
class was great today. as my sis is on MC, i was asked to cover her class. it was good to see that the kids are aldy comfortable with me ard and are coming up to me with hugs and kisses. playtime had never been more fun and easier.
my Aiden bumblebee aka 'my new boyfriend'...actually gave me a super bright smile when he saw me as he entered the studio. really made my day. and then there was my shy little samuel. still shy as ever but at least he's responding well when i talked to him.
and there's so many of them. in fact all.....really welcomed me. the 2 morning playclubs that i took had been one of the best ever. i would never want the class to end. but of course...sankaree, Zita and i were super worn out after all the jumping and singing... heh...but nv had such tiring job brought so much joy and laughter throughout and end.
this had got to be the best job ever.
its just too bad that their photos cant be put up. or i can show off all my darlings.
they're truely darlings. no matter those times when they can do things to make us angry or upset...they're always adorable and darlings of ours....
what wonderful days i had at work...
looking forward to my playnest class at 3pm!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
just read his blog...
had so much mixed feelings...cant make out wat...just mixed...
but so glad to see him moved on...really??
but he seemed more depressed.
cant help feeling worried. but he's refusing my smses and calls. i know he did it on purpose. but why?..i do not know... we're supposed to be frens...he knew it...things may not work out btw us...but he knew i treated him as my bestest fren...
but i guess thats the prob. guys who're interested in u. they cant stand being 'just frens'. but thats how things had been for us.
i miss him though. we once had so much to talk abt. sighz.
but those were the days...they're gone....i doubt i'll have it back again...i've lost friend............forever?
had so much mixed feelings...cant make out wat...just mixed...
but so glad to see him moved on...really??
but he seemed more depressed.
cant help feeling worried. but he's refusing my smses and calls. i know he did it on purpose. but why?..i do not know... we're supposed to be frens...he knew it...things may not work out btw us...but he knew i treated him as my bestest fren...
but i guess thats the prob. guys who're interested in u. they cant stand being 'just frens'. but thats how things had been for us.
i miss him though. we once had so much to talk abt. sighz.
but those were the days...they're gone....i doubt i'll have it back again...i've lost friend............forever?
i'm back...after more than a week...
so much had happened...
cant believe my granny's in hospital..lying in bed and needed an oxygen mask to breathe... what was so unbelievable was how it was only less than a week ago, she was happily talking to me at my couzzie's she can hardly talk properly...its really breaking my heart...
the first night we went to visit her, i was trying so hard not to cry when i saw her..but ting had to break down in front of me and i broke down too...
but praise the Lord!! my mum actually told us to pray for my granny and even told my granny not to worry as we will pray for her to recover.... and today, she seemed much better... according to my sisters...on sunday when they visited her, she could even crack lame jokes...heh...i really hope she'll recover quickly...
but i was so damn fucking pissed today when i visited my granny...
i had had a long day at work...instead of knocking off at 5.30, i had to cover a 4.30-6.30 class...and imagine, i started work at 8am! imagine how shack i am?? and immediately ting i and rushed down to the hospital so that we can visit my granny for a little while today...
but when we reached, my uncle asked how come we so late. i snapped and told him we were working. then he replied and said he had to work too. den i snapped and said we worked at evans and its not exactly tt convenient. he replied that he too wrked at a not-so-convenient place. so out of exasperation, i told him we taking public transport, he told us he did too...and still, he could reach earlier.....what the fuck?????
look....after a long and tiring day, i definitely cannot tolerate such nonsense...furthermore, i came down not out of obligation but out of love for my granny....i put in the effort to come, so i'll not tolerate stupid comments like his.
sometimes i wonder why people say the things they say. what went thru their minds when they made those comments? does scorning others make them feel better abt themselves? why must there be insecure people making themselves feel more secure by saying things to put others down? are these hurtful actions fueled by the sense of competiveness in them? how they dun wanna feel that they are at the bottom of the pile??
which reminds me...
just yst...i met my sec sch best friend's mum at a coffeeshop...she's working there...i said hi... she didnt rmb who was i so i told her i'm her daughter's frm and i used to go to her hse...
she asked if i still kept in contact with her daughter...i said yes...then this conversation followed:
Her: oh. so did u know she changed job?
Me: yup. she was asking me to join her.
Her: ooh. yeah. good that she changed her job. she's a MANAGER now. (note.the capitalized words showed her increased tone while she spoke) and what are u doing now?
(my thinking process: i've did a management studies dip. and i couldnt be more qualified than my fren to be a manager too. but i'm not one though. too bad)
Me: oh. i'm a teacher.
Her: teaching kids?
Me: yeah.
Her: oic. well i'm busy now. cant tok. do drop by my hse more often. but my daughter might be busy.
Me: ok. cya!
phew. if i were not a christian, i would have been totally pissed off. but i learnt the virtue of humility. do note. humility doesnt mean putting ourselves down when talking abt ourselves. many has that misconception. it simply means not to keep bragging abt ourselves. its fine to tell others abt our strength. just dun say it because we wanna brag. say it as an informative comment. sorry for the sidetrack.
well. yeah. because i learnt the virtue of humility, when she bragged abt my fren, i didnt impulsively add in that i could easily get a job with salary that's 1-2k more than her daughter. i didnt. cuz i know tt its nothing degrading abt being a teacher. and i'm a julia gabriel teacher anyway. heh. all i know is i love my job and i am experiencing high job satisfaction and a relatively good paying job. i doubt my fren is feeling as happy as me. bleag.
who wun want a good paying job? i would oso wanna complete my econs and finance degree and go into morgan stanley to wrk as a trader. starting pay? 7.5k...thats how good paying it is.
and i'm so happy!! thanks to chuan, i finally got to buy the Polo Ralph Lauren shirt tt i had been wanting to get!! hee...nxt up on my list, a new LV wallet.... heez!!
so much had happened...
cant believe my granny's in hospital..lying in bed and needed an oxygen mask to breathe... what was so unbelievable was how it was only less than a week ago, she was happily talking to me at my couzzie's she can hardly talk properly...its really breaking my heart...
the first night we went to visit her, i was trying so hard not to cry when i saw her..but ting had to break down in front of me and i broke down too...
but praise the Lord!! my mum actually told us to pray for my granny and even told my granny not to worry as we will pray for her to recover.... and today, she seemed much better... according to my sisters...on sunday when they visited her, she could even crack lame jokes...heh...i really hope she'll recover quickly...
but i was so damn fucking pissed today when i visited my granny...
i had had a long day at work...instead of knocking off at 5.30, i had to cover a 4.30-6.30 class...and imagine, i started work at 8am! imagine how shack i am?? and immediately ting i and rushed down to the hospital so that we can visit my granny for a little while today...
but when we reached, my uncle asked how come we so late. i snapped and told him we were working. then he replied and said he had to work too. den i snapped and said we worked at evans and its not exactly tt convenient. he replied that he too wrked at a not-so-convenient place. so out of exasperation, i told him we taking public transport, he told us he did too...and still, he could reach earlier.....what the fuck?????
look....after a long and tiring day, i definitely cannot tolerate such nonsense...furthermore, i came down not out of obligation but out of love for my granny....i put in the effort to come, so i'll not tolerate stupid comments like his.
sometimes i wonder why people say the things they say. what went thru their minds when they made those comments? does scorning others make them feel better abt themselves? why must there be insecure people making themselves feel more secure by saying things to put others down? are these hurtful actions fueled by the sense of competiveness in them? how they dun wanna feel that they are at the bottom of the pile??
which reminds me...
just yst...i met my sec sch best friend's mum at a coffeeshop...she's working there...i said hi... she didnt rmb who was i so i told her i'm her daughter's frm and i used to go to her hse...
she asked if i still kept in contact with her daughter...i said yes...then this conversation followed:
Her: oh. so did u know she changed job?
Me: yup. she was asking me to join her.
Her: ooh. yeah. good that she changed her job. she's a MANAGER now. (note.the capitalized words showed her increased tone while she spoke) and what are u doing now?
(my thinking process: i've did a management studies dip. and i couldnt be more qualified than my fren to be a manager too. but i'm not one though. too bad)
Me: oh. i'm a teacher.
Her: teaching kids?
Me: yeah.
Her: oic. well i'm busy now. cant tok. do drop by my hse more often. but my daughter might be busy.
Me: ok. cya!
phew. if i were not a christian, i would have been totally pissed off. but i learnt the virtue of humility. do note. humility doesnt mean putting ourselves down when talking abt ourselves. many has that misconception. it simply means not to keep bragging abt ourselves. its fine to tell others abt our strength. just dun say it because we wanna brag. say it as an informative comment. sorry for the sidetrack.
well. yeah. because i learnt the virtue of humility, when she bragged abt my fren, i didnt impulsively add in that i could easily get a job with salary that's 1-2k more than her daughter. i didnt. cuz i know tt its nothing degrading abt being a teacher. and i'm a julia gabriel teacher anyway. heh. all i know is i love my job and i am experiencing high job satisfaction and a relatively good paying job. i doubt my fren is feeling as happy as me. bleag.
who wun want a good paying job? i would oso wanna complete my econs and finance degree and go into morgan stanley to wrk as a trader. starting pay? 7.5k...thats how good paying it is.
and i'm so happy!! thanks to chuan, i finally got to buy the Polo Ralph Lauren shirt tt i had been wanting to get!! hee...nxt up on my list, a new LV wallet.... heez!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
yawnz...woke up not long had been the lastest sleep-in...must be the cough med i took yst night...
yeah..some updates...attended my couzzie's wedding dinner on sat night @Fort Canning's The Legends....the dinner wad alright only....maybe recently had been to too many wedding dinners and all the dishes are (i might say) 90% the same type of not much to comment abt....
after the dinner met up with yang, hwee and martin first...they came to fetch us..heh..its a good thing too...i was in a new pair of heels and really nicely dressed up..heez...i must say, i know i looked really pretty!! HAHAHAHAH....but the heels are killing me...take a look at the horrendous number of blisters on my feet and u would applaud me for my tolerance for pain tt night...till today, i'm still wondering how i could make myself walk in those heels with those blisters all abt ladies' vaniety over our lives(do the chinese translation yerself)
however, martin did not join us for supper, instead chuan joined us...i've no qualms though...cuz i love talking to chuan! he's one guy tt can really crap and make it sound ridiculously entertaining tt u wun mind him doing all the talking...hahahhaha....but oops...not tt martin's not entertaining...just not as much as i enjoyed chuan's company manz...hahahhahahhahaah...
sunday came and its church activities again....children church had been great cuz there wasnt much for me to do...hahahahhaa....but it feels good to be back in church after a hectic week and just spend my morning bringing my focus back unto God....
there...a week came and went...
its now time for week 7 activites at JGC...
time really flies when i'm working there...i cant wait to see my babies again...once my cough fully recovers, i'm gonna give them all a proper loving kiss!! haaahahah....esp to my baby boyfriend Leon!! hahahah....will nv forget that loving hug he gave me on my first day at JGC....his silly little baby hug convince me tt my time spent at JGC would definitely be a satisfying one.....cant wait to see him give me his 2-tooth grin tml morning!!!
yeah..some updates...attended my couzzie's wedding dinner on sat night @Fort Canning's The Legends....the dinner wad alright only....maybe recently had been to too many wedding dinners and all the dishes are (i might say) 90% the same type of not much to comment abt....
after the dinner met up with yang, hwee and martin first...they came to fetch us..heh..its a good thing too...i was in a new pair of heels and really nicely dressed up..heez...i must say, i know i looked really pretty!! HAHAHAHAH....but the heels are killing me...take a look at the horrendous number of blisters on my feet and u would applaud me for my tolerance for pain tt night...till today, i'm still wondering how i could make myself walk in those heels with those blisters all abt ladies' vaniety over our lives(do the chinese translation yerself)
however, martin did not join us for supper, instead chuan joined us...i've no qualms though...cuz i love talking to chuan! he's one guy tt can really crap and make it sound ridiculously entertaining tt u wun mind him doing all the talking...hahahhaha....but oops...not tt martin's not entertaining...just not as much as i enjoyed chuan's company manz...hahahhahahhahaah...
sunday came and its church activities again....children church had been great cuz there wasnt much for me to do...hahahahhaa....but it feels good to be back in church after a hectic week and just spend my morning bringing my focus back unto God....
there...a week came and went...
its now time for week 7 activites at JGC...
time really flies when i'm working there...i cant wait to see my babies again...once my cough fully recovers, i'm gonna give them all a proper loving kiss!! haaahahah....esp to my baby boyfriend Leon!! hahahah....will nv forget that loving hug he gave me on my first day at JGC....his silly little baby hug convince me tt my time spent at JGC would definitely be a satisfying one.....cant wait to see him give me his 2-tooth grin tml morning!!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007 much to blog abt..but too lazy to elaborate..hahahha
lets see....had some pink and purple hair extensions...took some pics...den took it off after having it on for half a week??..hahhaa...can't stand it entangling in my hair while i bath...
good time with the babies and toddlers...still had so much more to learn at JGC..but i'm catching on!! heez...with great colleagues to work with...who wouldnt love their jobs??
darling is back into is the rest of my buddies...but not too bad...caught a movie with martin, hwee, yang and eugene...the movie was simply hilarious!! *chuck and larry*
went grapevine the other day and got to know a new friend~ mark...fabulous at morgan stanley...i wanna go there too!! hahaha...den my dream of owning a rex sTi wld be real close!!...haha...bleag..
den few nights later, went The Arena with ting and sankeree...had a great hip hop performance...too bad..didnt stay long enuf to hear my dedications.... but all of us suffered real bad hangover the nxt day at work...and the teacher taking over Zita? Raihan!! gosh...the HOD of EduPlay dept...we had to wake ourselves up no matter wat...but she's a lovely the way she interacts with us and the class...such a nice glad i'm under such a nice boss *smilez*
then ting and i swore not to touch any alcoholic drinks anytime soon..but guess wat?? the following night, went Kandi Bar to chill with Zita...hahahha...each of us down a jug of volkda lime.. at first we took it real slow...but since everyone's tired, we decided to just gulp down the half jug left in each of our respective jugs...took some pictures...the alcohol effect kicked in....went to queue up for a cab and by 1.30am, we're sound aslp..hahahah....
that was one of the fastest chilling out session...but haiz...missed mambo night....while i was at The Arena, msged martin and told him how i missed clubbing with him..hahhahaha...den purposely told him how much fun i'm having while he's stuck in tekong....but really miss those times before his had been so much fun....we click so well tt i find it most fun with him ard....sighz.....this cheeky monkey, went to pull my hair extension!! only to feel sheepish abt it when i told him it hurts......what a dummy...who put hair extensions without having it attached to their hair?? of course it hurts! bleag..
hahah...but i knew i got him craving for mambo night..cuz when we met up, he asked me if i went mambo tt night...hahahhahaha....he really sounded do i put me he sounded a little like he wished he could go amnz...hahahaha...
and den today watched Final Call with my darling....huddling together the whole time..the show's damn scary....den after his dad sent me home, met up with ting and mark and went down lower seletar to chill for awhile before heading home....
quite an eventful week i must say.....but i certainly enjoying it!! cant wait for my swimming session with ting and liyi tml!!
lets see....had some pink and purple hair extensions...took some pics...den took it off after having it on for half a week??..hahhaa...can't stand it entangling in my hair while i bath...
good time with the babies and toddlers...still had so much more to learn at JGC..but i'm catching on!! heez...with great colleagues to work with...who wouldnt love their jobs??
darling is back into is the rest of my buddies...but not too bad...caught a movie with martin, hwee, yang and eugene...the movie was simply hilarious!! *chuck and larry*
went grapevine the other day and got to know a new friend~ mark...fabulous at morgan stanley...i wanna go there too!! hahaha...den my dream of owning a rex sTi wld be real close!!...haha...bleag..
den few nights later, went The Arena with ting and sankeree...had a great hip hop performance...too bad..didnt stay long enuf to hear my dedications.... but all of us suffered real bad hangover the nxt day at work...and the teacher taking over Zita? Raihan!! gosh...the HOD of EduPlay dept...we had to wake ourselves up no matter wat...but she's a lovely the way she interacts with us and the class...such a nice glad i'm under such a nice boss *smilez*
then ting and i swore not to touch any alcoholic drinks anytime soon..but guess wat?? the following night, went Kandi Bar to chill with Zita...hahahha...each of us down a jug of volkda lime.. at first we took it real slow...but since everyone's tired, we decided to just gulp down the half jug left in each of our respective jugs...took some pictures...the alcohol effect kicked in....went to queue up for a cab and by 1.30am, we're sound aslp..hahahah....
that was one of the fastest chilling out session...but haiz...missed mambo night....while i was at The Arena, msged martin and told him how i missed clubbing with him..hahhahaha...den purposely told him how much fun i'm having while he's stuck in tekong....but really miss those times before his had been so much fun....we click so well tt i find it most fun with him ard....sighz.....this cheeky monkey, went to pull my hair extension!! only to feel sheepish abt it when i told him it hurts......what a dummy...who put hair extensions without having it attached to their hair?? of course it hurts! bleag..
hahah...but i knew i got him craving for mambo night..cuz when we met up, he asked me if i went mambo tt night...hahahhahaha....he really sounded do i put me he sounded a little like he wished he could go amnz...hahahaha...
and den today watched Final Call with my darling....huddling together the whole time..the show's damn scary....den after his dad sent me home, met up with ting and mark and went down lower seletar to chill for awhile before heading home....
quite an eventful week i must say.....but i certainly enjoying it!! cant wait for my swimming session with ting and liyi tml!!
Monday, October 8, 2007
i'm bacccccccccccccck!!!!!!!
heez...been away from my com..and therefore, my blog for so long...its a real delight to see the flood of tags from my darling friends!! heez...some of whom i get to see on sundays while some i still haven get the chance and time to meet...but i'm sure the chance will be soon *BIG SMILE*
much of my week had been spent at JGC..covering classes back to back...BUT i'm loving it! heez...tiring as it may be, but the fun makes it all up...and then there's the relaxing time i had at Hilton gym!! wow, after a 40min run, ending it off with sauna and/or steam bath is a bliss....not to mention the weightloss..hahahahha....
one of the few highlights....a time of dinner and pubbing with shawn, huiling, fay, cath and my sis at Martini Firm was refreshing...since i prob wun get to see fay while he flies off for his steward training in the upcoming 2 months!! i'll miss him manz...he's the only one that will keep calling me a boy but treats me like a princess!! hahaha...but he'll deny it if he sees this..bleag :P
and then there's the pubbing session with zita and her husband, mark, leo(i thnk that's his name..but i'm super sure i got his gf's name correct) and cynthia, and my sis(as usual)..hahahahah.... it was at Grapevine...nice place and nice ambience...and hanging out with such great people, it made that night a wonderfully entertaining one :D
yeap...looks like i got most of the interesting things highlighted out......
oh ya!! this morning...spent 2 hours waiting at TTSH for ting's appointment...its one thing i nv understood.... singapore is supposed to have reached an efficient level when it comes to customer service...but when it comes to hospitals and clinics, it doesnt seem to be that way...the doctor consultation time is super fast but the time waiting for our turn to pay or collect the medication is horrendously long....i overheard a man behind complaining on his phone that he had been waiting for 2 hours...and he had even made sure he came 1 hour before his appt time! wonder he was in such lousy mood... i'm fine with the waiting as i get to spend the time playing and taking care of my tamaboy...hahahahah....
at the end of the whole appt, ting and i rewarded ourselves to sushi buffet at suki sushi...heez....yummy.... up seafood buffet!! i'm so gonna pester my darling yang yang to bring me'll be my treat anyways :)
alrighty..gotta looking forward to my gym session at hilton tml!! i need to run off all those fats i accumulated from the sushi buffet!! heez...
P.S: and my dear frens, my working days are tues to sat for this school term. so feel free to ask me out even on my working days....i always believed in working hard and playing hard..and u shld know i dun like compromising on my play must ask me out k??? ChEeRZ!!
heez...been away from my com..and therefore, my blog for so long...its a real delight to see the flood of tags from my darling friends!! heez...some of whom i get to see on sundays while some i still haven get the chance and time to meet...but i'm sure the chance will be soon *BIG SMILE*
much of my week had been spent at JGC..covering classes back to back...BUT i'm loving it! heez...tiring as it may be, but the fun makes it all up...and then there's the relaxing time i had at Hilton gym!! wow, after a 40min run, ending it off with sauna and/or steam bath is a bliss....not to mention the weightloss..hahahahha....
one of the few highlights....a time of dinner and pubbing with shawn, huiling, fay, cath and my sis at Martini Firm was refreshing...since i prob wun get to see fay while he flies off for his steward training in the upcoming 2 months!! i'll miss him manz...he's the only one that will keep calling me a boy but treats me like a princess!! hahaha...but he'll deny it if he sees this..bleag :P
and then there's the pubbing session with zita and her husband, mark, leo(i thnk that's his name..but i'm super sure i got his gf's name correct) and cynthia, and my sis(as usual)..hahahahah.... it was at Grapevine...nice place and nice ambience...and hanging out with such great people, it made that night a wonderfully entertaining one :D
yeap...looks like i got most of the interesting things highlighted out......
oh ya!! this morning...spent 2 hours waiting at TTSH for ting's appointment...its one thing i nv understood.... singapore is supposed to have reached an efficient level when it comes to customer service...but when it comes to hospitals and clinics, it doesnt seem to be that way...the doctor consultation time is super fast but the time waiting for our turn to pay or collect the medication is horrendously long....i overheard a man behind complaining on his phone that he had been waiting for 2 hours...and he had even made sure he came 1 hour before his appt time! wonder he was in such lousy mood... i'm fine with the waiting as i get to spend the time playing and taking care of my tamaboy...hahahahah....
at the end of the whole appt, ting and i rewarded ourselves to sushi buffet at suki sushi...heez....yummy.... up seafood buffet!! i'm so gonna pester my darling yang yang to bring me'll be my treat anyways :)
alrighty..gotta looking forward to my gym session at hilton tml!! i need to run off all those fats i accumulated from the sushi buffet!! heez...
P.S: and my dear frens, my working days are tues to sat for this school term. so feel free to ask me out even on my working days....i always believed in working hard and playing hard..and u shld know i dun like compromising on my play must ask me out k??? ChEeRZ!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
haha...well well well...i'm not sure if i can be a good mum when i've a child of my own...
i cant even take care of my tamagotchi!! haha... i found it 'certified' yst night when i suddenly rmb abt it and took it out of my bag...hahaha....well..erm..actually i'm not tt happy abt it...i actually got till generation 2 i have to start all over again!! signz....
it all happened cuz i was busy ironing clothes the whole afternoon, working out at the gym in the evening then watching my hongkong serials at night while messaging my darling..haha... so my tamababy slipped my mind totally...........till i was gonna slp....geez...
today i went to sign the JGC contract...and am starting work tml!!!! FINALLY.
i'm so glad to be able to put a full-stop to all the restless waiting. money is rolling in *big smile*. i will be busy and not slacking *bigger smile*. and i'll be playing with babies whole day long *Biggest smile* !
now i wanna go tamatown and earn more food and points for my 'newborn' tamababy..hope i can be a better mama now..hahahahha...
i cant even take care of my tamagotchi!! haha... i found it 'certified' yst night when i suddenly rmb abt it and took it out of my bag...hahaha....well..erm..actually i'm not tt happy abt it...i actually got till generation 2 i have to start all over again!! signz....
it all happened cuz i was busy ironing clothes the whole afternoon, working out at the gym in the evening then watching my hongkong serials at night while messaging my darling..haha... so my tamababy slipped my mind totally...........till i was gonna slp....geez...
today i went to sign the JGC contract...and am starting work tml!!!! FINALLY.
i'm so glad to be able to put a full-stop to all the restless waiting. money is rolling in *big smile*. i will be busy and not slacking *bigger smile*. and i'll be playing with babies whole day long *Biggest smile* !
now i wanna go tamatown and earn more food and points for my 'newborn' tamababy..hope i can be a better mama now..hahahahha...
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
JGC confirmed my pay....and i'm rather satisfied with it *smilez*
the happy thing now is i can finally start working!! heh. stuck at home with nth else to do but sweep the floor and iron the clothes is what i swear i would not make myself do again when i have my own home. hahaha. and when all 3 of us are much financially stable, we've agreed to get a part time domestic help to do all the hsework!! ahahaha...we're not lazy kay? we just want everybody to have more free time to enjoy life...and that includes my mum.
i can foresee that once she change the location of her shop, she'll be so busy with all the sales.. hahaha.. i'm confident my mum has all the business instincts tt i had!! like daughter like mother ma...hahahah....yea yea..i know it should be the other way round...but i insist that i believe tt it is MY good business sense that had rubbed off on my mum...hahahahaha.....
and i've aldy planned out my personal 'financial budget' for the upcoming 2 months..i hope i can follow my budget closely..hahahha...not very likely...but i will try.... meanwhile, i'm still waiting for my chance to eat the Ritz Carlton seafood buffet!!!!!!~ bleag..stupid martin, say alrdy is eat with yang and the end went with his own frens...hahah...nvm...yang and i will go ourselves..hahahah...anybody else interested?? hahaahahaha.....
JGC confirmed my pay....and i'm rather satisfied with it *smilez*
the happy thing now is i can finally start working!! heh. stuck at home with nth else to do but sweep the floor and iron the clothes is what i swear i would not make myself do again when i have my own home. hahaha. and when all 3 of us are much financially stable, we've agreed to get a part time domestic help to do all the hsework!! ahahaha...we're not lazy kay? we just want everybody to have more free time to enjoy life...and that includes my mum.
i can foresee that once she change the location of her shop, she'll be so busy with all the sales.. hahaha.. i'm confident my mum has all the business instincts tt i had!! like daughter like mother ma...hahahah....yea yea..i know it should be the other way round...but i insist that i believe tt it is MY good business sense that had rubbed off on my mum...hahahahaha.....
and i've aldy planned out my personal 'financial budget' for the upcoming 2 months..i hope i can follow my budget closely..hahahha...not very likely...but i will try.... meanwhile, i'm still waiting for my chance to eat the Ritz Carlton seafood buffet!!!!!!~ bleag..stupid martin, say alrdy is eat with yang and the end went with his own frens...hahah...nvm...yang and i will go ourselves..hahahah...anybody else interested?? hahaahahaha.....
Monday, October 1, 2007
its a new month once again!! its times like this that made me feel like time really passes so quickly....but today is a super bad mood morning...because of some unreasonable people..bleag...
what a super demoralizing way to start my day and the start of october....not tt its some special just marks the beginning of a new month...meaning, we're yet another month closer to christmas!! yea....when christmas comes, martin and hwee would have ended their BMT and yang and chuan would have finish their SISPEC course..there'll be slightly more time to spend with each other!!
haha...but haiz...which means might start seeing less of martin after that since its the start of his airforce training...i'm not sure how it'll go...but sighz...
the only happy thing now is..i'll be going swimming with ting and liyi...i hope i'll get a great workout!!
what a super demoralizing way to start my day and the start of october....not tt its some special just marks the beginning of a new month...meaning, we're yet another month closer to christmas!! yea....when christmas comes, martin and hwee would have ended their BMT and yang and chuan would have finish their SISPEC course..there'll be slightly more time to spend with each other!!
haha...but haiz...which means might start seeing less of martin after that since its the start of his airforce training...i'm not sure how it'll go...but sighz...
the only happy thing now is..i'll be going swimming with ting and liyi...i hope i'll get a great workout!!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
had so eagerly been waiting and counting down the days to yang's, martin's, hwee's and chuan's book out so tt we can meet up and chill......but sighz...time flew by like nobody's business and now they're all booking back in le!! SOBZ...
at least yst night managed to meet up with martin(the birthday boy..damn lucky la...booked out 1 day before his can actually celebrate for him on his actual day *smilez*), yang and hwee...we went Del Mar..haha...finally martin got the chance to be there..hahaha....together mwith my sisters, we all had a great time chatting and earing all their experiences....sighz... but the end to tt night hadnt been tt great for me..heh...BUT...i've forgiven whoever tt upsetted me..hahahaha...he promised to make it up to me during his nxt book out...he had better....haha...
so now is just left with not having the chance to meet up with Mr-SUPER-FIT Siu Chuan..hahahahah...chuan dun needa be pai seh hor..hahahhahaha....and must ask jus together manz...simply love talking to her!!!!!
wow....just blogging abt my good frens made me so happy le..heez...but sad too cuz cant see them till the nxt weekend....and there's Guo Hua...posted to OCS...confinement 3 weeks..haiz....must remind him abt our 'date' with benjy and probably other SJ peeps at MINDS cafe!! haha...he's another super fit guy manz....trained himsself up since poly yr 1!!
and poor matter how much check-ups done, in the end still kena PES B...nth lower than tt..heh...hope he'lll pull through his BMT when he enlist this Dec!!
this week was great. had quite a number of church events. fri was cell grp meeting and tt had been extremely fruitful....sat was our church's 10th anniversary of CP in Hougang and i was involved in the children church's CP event as a main cast of the drama...with my best partner Huiming!! was great fun working with her in this much chemistry btw us... the nxt day at church we felt like superstars!! haha...cuz all the kids recognize us as the roles of 'Da S and Xiao S' and cant stop calling out to us...felt a lil embarrassed by all the sudden attention...but i'm sure from now on, when i lead games during children church, it'll be easier on me since everybody knows me now..hahahaha....
and finally today was Children's day celebration. huiming and i partnered again!! was we were thrilled with this coincidence to work together again!! hahah....
yeah....these few weeks had been of great fun for me....wonder how this coming week would be like??
meanwhile, i must thnk of wat new surprises to do for yang, martin and hwee..heh.....well one is my darling and 2 best buddies so must really put in lots of effort for them!!...heh...and not forgetting chuan...must make sure he and jus gets to try the ice cream cake(the first surprise for martin and hwee) ting and i learnt to make....
and of course i haven forgetten my SIM buddies!! sighz..i miss them so much too!! must get them to try the ice cream cake too...hahahah...i'm lidat...once i learnt to make something new..i must make sure ALL my dear buddies try it!!!!...cuz they're all simply too dear to me tt i must share all fabulous stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
had so eagerly been waiting and counting down the days to yang's, martin's, hwee's and chuan's book out so tt we can meet up and chill......but sighz...time flew by like nobody's business and now they're all booking back in le!! SOBZ...
at least yst night managed to meet up with martin(the birthday boy..damn lucky la...booked out 1 day before his can actually celebrate for him on his actual day *smilez*), yang and hwee...we went Del Mar..haha...finally martin got the chance to be there..hahaha....together mwith my sisters, we all had a great time chatting and earing all their experiences....sighz... but the end to tt night hadnt been tt great for me..heh...BUT...i've forgiven whoever tt upsetted me..hahahaha...he promised to make it up to me during his nxt book out...he had better....haha...
so now is just left with not having the chance to meet up with Mr-SUPER-FIT Siu Chuan..hahahahah...chuan dun needa be pai seh hor..hahahhahaha....and must ask jus together manz...simply love talking to her!!!!!
wow....just blogging abt my good frens made me so happy le..heez...but sad too cuz cant see them till the nxt weekend....and there's Guo Hua...posted to OCS...confinement 3 weeks..haiz....must remind him abt our 'date' with benjy and probably other SJ peeps at MINDS cafe!! haha...he's another super fit guy manz....trained himsself up since poly yr 1!!
and poor matter how much check-ups done, in the end still kena PES B...nth lower than tt..heh...hope he'lll pull through his BMT when he enlist this Dec!!
this week was great. had quite a number of church events. fri was cell grp meeting and tt had been extremely fruitful....sat was our church's 10th anniversary of CP in Hougang and i was involved in the children church's CP event as a main cast of the drama...with my best partner Huiming!! was great fun working with her in this much chemistry btw us... the nxt day at church we felt like superstars!! haha...cuz all the kids recognize us as the roles of 'Da S and Xiao S' and cant stop calling out to us...felt a lil embarrassed by all the sudden attention...but i'm sure from now on, when i lead games during children church, it'll be easier on me since everybody knows me now..hahahaha....
and finally today was Children's day celebration. huiming and i partnered again!! was we were thrilled with this coincidence to work together again!! hahah....
yeah....these few weeks had been of great fun for me....wonder how this coming week would be like??
meanwhile, i must thnk of wat new surprises to do for yang, martin and hwee..heh.....well one is my darling and 2 best buddies so must really put in lots of effort for them!!...heh...and not forgetting chuan...must make sure he and jus gets to try the ice cream cake(the first surprise for martin and hwee) ting and i learnt to make....
and of course i haven forgetten my SIM buddies!! sighz..i miss them so much too!! must get them to try the ice cream cake too...hahahah...i'm lidat...once i learnt to make something new..i must make sure ALL my dear buddies try it!!!!...cuz they're all simply too dear to me tt i must share all fabulous stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Actually i've been thinking abt this the whole night...
i seriously dun understand how certain people can be so so so blinded by love...
and there's this certain person---my couzzie..
ok..i myself had been in love before and i can understand that when u love someone, u'll want to do everything for that person. its to the extend that i cna be at his beck and call and i wun mind one bit....BUT...there is still a limit. i'll know when his favours are too much.
sadly, thats not the case for my cousin. he's just so---argggg-----dumb. i thnk my frustration is so damn visible. As a girl myself...i know exactly what his ex-girlfriend is thinking. that bitch is just making use of him!!---rather, his money, his car and himself(to do favours for her). when u know yer guy cant get over u, and will do whatever it takes to win u back, u'll take the opportunity to get him to do stuffs for u like a pathetic puppy would for the owner.
ok. i'm being mean to describe it this way. not like i treated anyone like this before. i would never. i'm not a bitch. ok lets not digress. to me, my cousin is behaving so pathetically like as though she's the only woman left on earth. yes....they've had an 8-yr r/s. it'll be difficult to get over her esp when she's the one that DUMPED him.
and precisely cuz she dumped him, i find it highly suspicious that she continues to ask him to drive her here and there, go shopping with her(and he pays for everything!) and the whole family bought insurance from her!! and from what i know from my aunt, they're not sure if my couzzie and her are considered a couple again cuz there's times when she ignores him and there's times when she talks to him.. my judge....isnt it so FUCKing obvious that she doesnt love him?? she just wants him to be a favor-slave!! its difficult...but i thnk my couzzie should display more masculity and backbone and learn forget abt her and move on with life. OR if he doesn't wanna forget her, then at least confront her and get her to make clear what their r/s status is!!!!
and if she says that she treats him only as a friend, then its fine he drives her ard....and if they go shopping, he should make her pay for her own stuff......... even i dun make my BOYFRIEND pays for my stuff ALL THE TIME...cuz he does tt for her ALL THE TIME...even her driving lessons are paid for by my couzzie!! so if BOYFRIENDS are NOT OBLIGED to pay everything for his girlfriend, he as a normal fren shld all the more NOT do it.
his just too blinded. when i saw him yst night, i really felt like giving him 2 tight slap to wake him up from his wistful dream. i'm so mad with him. why cant he have more pride than to give in to her?? if she can have the heart to break up with him with an sms, after an 8-yr long r/s, and then ignored him for days, and didnt return him the diamond jewelleries he bought her over the 8 yrs, and then suddenly looking for him again to get him to buy insurance from her.......what makes him thnk she truely love him and wun kick him away when she finally found someone richer than him??
he's dumb. so pathetically dumb.....and sighz...pitiful.
i hope he'll wake up in time before more cost and hurts are incurred.
i seriously dun understand how certain people can be so so so blinded by love...
and there's this certain person---my couzzie..
ok..i myself had been in love before and i can understand that when u love someone, u'll want to do everything for that person. its to the extend that i cna be at his beck and call and i wun mind one bit....BUT...there is still a limit. i'll know when his favours are too much.
sadly, thats not the case for my cousin. he's just so---argggg-----dumb. i thnk my frustration is so damn visible. As a girl myself...i know exactly what his ex-girlfriend is thinking. that bitch is just making use of him!!---rather, his money, his car and himself(to do favours for her). when u know yer guy cant get over u, and will do whatever it takes to win u back, u'll take the opportunity to get him to do stuffs for u like a pathetic puppy would for the owner.
ok. i'm being mean to describe it this way. not like i treated anyone like this before. i would never. i'm not a bitch. ok lets not digress. to me, my cousin is behaving so pathetically like as though she's the only woman left on earth. yes....they've had an 8-yr r/s. it'll be difficult to get over her esp when she's the one that DUMPED him.
and precisely cuz she dumped him, i find it highly suspicious that she continues to ask him to drive her here and there, go shopping with her(and he pays for everything!) and the whole family bought insurance from her!! and from what i know from my aunt, they're not sure if my couzzie and her are considered a couple again cuz there's times when she ignores him and there's times when she talks to him.. my judge....isnt it so FUCKing obvious that she doesnt love him?? she just wants him to be a favor-slave!! its difficult...but i thnk my couzzie should display more masculity and backbone and learn forget abt her and move on with life. OR if he doesn't wanna forget her, then at least confront her and get her to make clear what their r/s status is!!!!
and if she says that she treats him only as a friend, then its fine he drives her ard....and if they go shopping, he should make her pay for her own stuff......... even i dun make my BOYFRIEND pays for my stuff ALL THE TIME...cuz he does tt for her ALL THE TIME...even her driving lessons are paid for by my couzzie!! so if BOYFRIENDS are NOT OBLIGED to pay everything for his girlfriend, he as a normal fren shld all the more NOT do it.
his just too blinded. when i saw him yst night, i really felt like giving him 2 tight slap to wake him up from his wistful dream. i'm so mad with him. why cant he have more pride than to give in to her?? if she can have the heart to break up with him with an sms, after an 8-yr long r/s, and then ignored him for days, and didnt return him the diamond jewelleries he bought her over the 8 yrs, and then suddenly looking for him again to get him to buy insurance from her.......what makes him thnk she truely love him and wun kick him away when she finally found someone richer than him??
he's dumb. so pathetically dumb.....and sighz...pitiful.
i hope he'll wake up in time before more cost and hurts are incurred.
hahahaha...i was checking my mail and i came across this....the person who taught of it is brillant with words manz....
Play with words
DORMITORY:When you arrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM
PRESBYTERIAN:When you rearrange the letters:BEST IN PRAYER
ASTRONOMER:When you rearrange the letters:MOON STARER
DESPERATION:When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT
THE EYES:When you rearrange the letters: THEY SEE
GEORGE BUSH:When you rearrange the letters:HE BUGS GORE
THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters:HERE COME DOTS
SLOT MACHINES:When you rearrange the letters:CASH LOST IN ME
ANIMOSITY:When you rearrange the letters:IS NO AMITY
ELECTION RESULTS:When you rearrange the letters:LIES - LET'S RECOUNT
MOTHER-IN-LAW:When you rearrange the letters: WOMAN HITLER
SNOOZE ALARMS:When you rearrange the letters:ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A DECIMAL POINT:When you rearrange the letters:IM A DOT IN PLACE
THE EARTHQUAKES:When you rearrange the letters:THAT QUEER SHAKE
Play with words
DORMITORY:When you arrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM
PRESBYTERIAN:When you rearrange the letters:BEST IN PRAYER
ASTRONOMER:When you rearrange the letters:MOON STARER
DESPERATION:When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT
THE EYES:When you rearrange the letters: THEY SEE
GEORGE BUSH:When you rearrange the letters:HE BUGS GORE
THE MORSE CODE: When you rearrange the letters:HERE COME DOTS
SLOT MACHINES:When you rearrange the letters:CASH LOST IN ME
ANIMOSITY:When you rearrange the letters:IS NO AMITY
ELECTION RESULTS:When you rearrange the letters:LIES - LET'S RECOUNT
MOTHER-IN-LAW:When you rearrange the letters: WOMAN HITLER
SNOOZE ALARMS:When you rearrange the letters:ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A DECIMAL POINT:When you rearrange the letters:IM A DOT IN PLACE
THE EARTHQUAKES:When you rearrange the letters:THAT QUEER SHAKE
Thursday, September 27, 2007
its 1am and i still cant fall asleep...i hate it when i switched the com on..i'll just keep using and it'll just keep me more and more awake...
just finished playing(god knows how many rounds)of online canasta...and i lost many rounds but won it all back....having used so much brain juice at strategizing, i'm still not tired!!
ok...maybe not tt much brain power was used...but still....
and i woke up so early this morning!! why arent i the least bit tired??
i intend to go gym tml early afternoon since i missed it tonight..haiz....
its so irritating...
just yst, i wrote in my blog abt having to sleep 7hrs? but i dun thnk i can do it...
nowadays i will only fall asleep @ abt 2am and later? and if i were to work in JGC, i'll have to wake up at 7am...
sighz....but each night i lie on my many thots are running through my mind!!
these issues are giving me a headache. but i'm glad i could talk to Liyi abt it today.
now my issue is...i cant sleep...
but at least i know the depressing feeling that once threatened is now gone...
maybe cuz my most major concern is solved....
there's always this one major major issue i cant get pass...
wonder when will i ever get this prayer answered? but is it really meant to be answered in the first place? i really dont know.....sighz....
its my will tt i want it to be tt way.....but it seem like it might not be God's will...maybe i should be obedient abt it....
sighz...i'm just so stubborn...
its 1am and i still cant fall asleep...i hate it when i switched the com on..i'll just keep using and it'll just keep me more and more awake...
just finished playing(god knows how many rounds)of online canasta...and i lost many rounds but won it all back....having used so much brain juice at strategizing, i'm still not tired!!
ok...maybe not tt much brain power was used...but still....
and i woke up so early this morning!! why arent i the least bit tired??
i intend to go gym tml early afternoon since i missed it tonight..haiz....
its so irritating...
just yst, i wrote in my blog abt having to sleep 7hrs? but i dun thnk i can do it...
nowadays i will only fall asleep @ abt 2am and later? and if i were to work in JGC, i'll have to wake up at 7am...
sighz....but each night i lie on my many thots are running through my mind!!
these issues are giving me a headache. but i'm glad i could talk to Liyi abt it today.
now my issue is...i cant sleep...
but at least i know the depressing feeling that once threatened is now gone...
maybe cuz my most major concern is solved....
there's always this one major major issue i cant get pass...
wonder when will i ever get this prayer answered? but is it really meant to be answered in the first place? i really dont know.....sighz....
its my will tt i want it to be tt way.....but it seem like it might not be God's will...maybe i should be obedient abt it....
sighz...i'm just so stubborn...
ooh...and i forgot to add....
never in my whole life i ALMOST talked NON-STOP the whole day..
hahahahahah...thank God Liyi didnt mind *WINKZ*
i love having u around ger...really hope u get yer job and pay and we go Mambo night again!!
oops...thnk yang's gonna be so jealous with u for spending so much time with me..hahahahah...
never in my whole life i ALMOST talked NON-STOP the whole day..
hahahahahah...thank God Liyi didnt mind *WINKZ*
i love having u around ger...really hope u get yer job and pay and we go Mambo night again!!
oops...thnk yang's gonna be so jealous with u for spending so much time with me..hahahahah...
today was rather fun..
spent a whole day out with liyi..haha...even waiting for her to finish her interview..
my couzzie's so sweet to call her up to check tt the interview went well...
i love my couzzie...and her little gerald!!
anyways my own interview @ JGC went really well..
guess wat?? Fiona Walker(JGC's CEO) was in my tryout PlayNest class last tue!! no wonder i found her looking so familiar to me!!
oh man...but good thing my performance was GOOD kay?? haha...
but contract and pay is being worked out...
wonder wen can i officially start work??
i love the JGC shirt!! cant wait to wear it!! cant wait to see the lil kids!!!
ooh...and i cant wait to try out Hilton gym!!! i'm so gonna slim down!!!! hahaha...
and YAY to my soon-to-be-true income!! kept toking abt my first(not really la) paycheck but wondering when is it really coming i know for sure it is! haha...
and i got my black dress....not from zara though....smth similar from 77th street...but still love it all the same *SMILEZ* vow.... by the end of october i'm so gonna lose another 3kg!
see the new and fit me!!!!
spent a whole day out with liyi..haha...even waiting for her to finish her interview..
my couzzie's so sweet to call her up to check tt the interview went well...
i love my couzzie...and her little gerald!!
anyways my own interview @ JGC went really well..
guess wat?? Fiona Walker(JGC's CEO) was in my tryout PlayNest class last tue!! no wonder i found her looking so familiar to me!!
oh man...but good thing my performance was GOOD kay?? haha...
but contract and pay is being worked out...
wonder wen can i officially start work??
i love the JGC shirt!! cant wait to wear it!! cant wait to see the lil kids!!!
ooh...and i cant wait to try out Hilton gym!!! i'm so gonna slim down!!!! hahaha...
and YAY to my soon-to-be-true income!! kept toking abt my first(not really la) paycheck but wondering when is it really coming i know for sure it is! haha...
and i got my black dress....not from zara though....smth similar from 77th street...but still love it all the same *SMILEZ* vow.... by the end of october i'm so gonna lose another 3kg!
see the new and fit me!!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
ah guess wat... i happened to see this piece of article on Yahoo! News..
apparently, there had been a 19 year research done on mortality rates to sleeping hours of people.. and it is noted that people who sleeps less than 5hrs a night would have a 1.7 increase in risk of dying. and it is adviced that we should all have a consistent 7hrs of sleep every night. at the same time, it is oso noted that people who sleeps more than 9hrs a night oso die faster..HA!
sighz...looks like whatever things we do or'll make us die is such an irony..u cant sleep too little or too much....although it is still not confirmed tt sleeping too much would oso alleviate the risk of death...but wat the heck??
evrybody will die someday..its just a matter of how soon is it...and its already pre-determined by God. but it still doesnt mean we could live our life carelessly. i still rmb one pastor tt spoke abt this during service,
"although it is pre-determined my God when we will be called home to our heavenly Father, but if we do not take care of ourselves as normal people should, we would still die before we are supposed to. say for example, if we thnk, 'oh God will protect my child from harm' and even if your child were to run out into the busy road, cars would miraculously miss him? NO. he'll be knocked down..and even die."
when i heard wat the pastor said, i feel that it is really so true. indeed, as in Pastor Jenni's case, if our work on earth is done, we will be called home eventually. but it is provided we take proper responsibility of ourselves for which God had given to us, instead of taking for granted that He will protect us from every harm.
true. many times i had been able to avoid near-misses of serious and not-so-serious accidents alike. and i could sense that it was by His grace that i was protected, but i would still constantly remind myself not to deliberately do anth to endanger my own life.
what's most important is, we should live a life of purpose---God's purpose. Anything that doesn't align with God's will is meaningless. i may be able to say this. but i oso know i'm still far from aligning my will with God's. but i'm definitely working to becoming a more obedient christian. meanwhile, i'm just so thankful that despite being a rather wilful child of God, His tremendous grace shone through in my times of trouble.
it is just so reassuring to know that i have a merciful God who loves me regardless of who i am or how bad i can be.
apparently, there had been a 19 year research done on mortality rates to sleeping hours of people.. and it is noted that people who sleeps less than 5hrs a night would have a 1.7 increase in risk of dying. and it is adviced that we should all have a consistent 7hrs of sleep every night. at the same time, it is oso noted that people who sleeps more than 9hrs a night oso die faster..HA!
sighz...looks like whatever things we do or'll make us die is such an irony..u cant sleep too little or too much....although it is still not confirmed tt sleeping too much would oso alleviate the risk of death...but wat the heck??
evrybody will die someday..its just a matter of how soon is it...and its already pre-determined by God. but it still doesnt mean we could live our life carelessly. i still rmb one pastor tt spoke abt this during service,
"although it is pre-determined my God when we will be called home to our heavenly Father, but if we do not take care of ourselves as normal people should, we would still die before we are supposed to. say for example, if we thnk, 'oh God will protect my child from harm' and even if your child were to run out into the busy road, cars would miraculously miss him? NO. he'll be knocked down..and even die."
when i heard wat the pastor said, i feel that it is really so true. indeed, as in Pastor Jenni's case, if our work on earth is done, we will be called home eventually. but it is provided we take proper responsibility of ourselves for which God had given to us, instead of taking for granted that He will protect us from every harm.
true. many times i had been able to avoid near-misses of serious and not-so-serious accidents alike. and i could sense that it was by His grace that i was protected, but i would still constantly remind myself not to deliberately do anth to endanger my own life.
what's most important is, we should live a life of purpose---God's purpose. Anything that doesn't align with God's will is meaningless. i may be able to say this. but i oso know i'm still far from aligning my will with God's. but i'm definitely working to becoming a more obedient christian. meanwhile, i'm just so thankful that despite being a rather wilful child of God, His tremendous grace shone through in my times of trouble.
it is just so reassuring to know that i have a merciful God who loves me regardless of who i am or how bad i can be.
and that pic of him cutting his super belated birthday celebration with me....we nearly couldnt get the cake as the counter's closed and we had to give the exact amount if we wanna buy it.... and since its $13.90...we tried to dig out all the spare change we have...and praise the Lord!! haha....we had exactly $13.90...haha...not tt we're stingy dun wanna give $14 or smth...but yeah...we're just teeny weeny stingy to wanna save on tt 10cents..hahahhaha....
ooh...i'm super thrilled!!
first....JGC finally called me back to meet up with their CEO..i'm not sure if thats a good or bad thing..all i know is i'd most probably get a job there!! yeah...i really love working with lots of children ard.... although this job is smth totally different from my course of studies, but it doesn't really matters.... i just wanna get all kinds of different working exerience.... we never know what could come in handy from all the different lessons learnt....
which reminded me of the 'Today's Advice' board i had hung up on my bedroom wall....closed my eyes and randomly pointed and i pointed at the advice "when you lose, don't lose the lesson"...wat an apt advice for me indeed...i can be quite a sore loser at times....but of course, i'm always trying my best to improve this portion of my character...bleag....
and then...yang's soon-to-be sister-in-law told me tt 2 yrs down the road, NTU might be accepting SIM's this means i might get a chance at NTU and i dont necessarily need to only apply to UniSIM or SIM's other unis....this would mean a much lower expenditure on school fees!!
and!! i'm able to put what i learnt from my DMS course, to good use!! hahaha..let me do a little bit of advertising here.....
many of u knew tt my mum has a clothes store located in Bedok...however, the target market there is mostly for the older people....but wen i checked out my mum's suppliers...they actually carry alot of designs thats meant for the younger generation....clothes which u can find in Orchard, they have it there.... and i must say, the cost price is alot cheaper than what they sell in point is, to help my mum bring in more revenue and to fully utilize more of the designs which she cant buy and sell in her shop, i'm bringing it ONLINE!! yes!! online....
this gives everybody ready access to the designs of clothes and accessories we have. its actually a collaboration with some friends...since i'm not too good with all the IT stuff...i'm providing the supplies while they deal with the orders and stuff....
so check out this site:
i'll oso be bringing in stuff tt my da jie buys back from shanghai and the other places she there'll so be bags, belts, accessories and many just pay the site a visit for some cheap online shopping pleasure!!
first....JGC finally called me back to meet up with their CEO..i'm not sure if thats a good or bad thing..all i know is i'd most probably get a job there!! yeah...i really love working with lots of children ard.... although this job is smth totally different from my course of studies, but it doesn't really matters.... i just wanna get all kinds of different working exerience.... we never know what could come in handy from all the different lessons learnt....
which reminded me of the 'Today's Advice' board i had hung up on my bedroom wall....closed my eyes and randomly pointed and i pointed at the advice "when you lose, don't lose the lesson"...wat an apt advice for me indeed...i can be quite a sore loser at times....but of course, i'm always trying my best to improve this portion of my character...bleag....
and then...yang's soon-to-be sister-in-law told me tt 2 yrs down the road, NTU might be accepting SIM's this means i might get a chance at NTU and i dont necessarily need to only apply to UniSIM or SIM's other unis....this would mean a much lower expenditure on school fees!!
and!! i'm able to put what i learnt from my DMS course, to good use!! hahaha..let me do a little bit of advertising here.....
many of u knew tt my mum has a clothes store located in Bedok...however, the target market there is mostly for the older people....but wen i checked out my mum's suppliers...they actually carry alot of designs thats meant for the younger generation....clothes which u can find in Orchard, they have it there.... and i must say, the cost price is alot cheaper than what they sell in point is, to help my mum bring in more revenue and to fully utilize more of the designs which she cant buy and sell in her shop, i'm bringing it ONLINE!! yes!! online....
this gives everybody ready access to the designs of clothes and accessories we have. its actually a collaboration with some friends...since i'm not too good with all the IT stuff...i'm providing the supplies while they deal with the orders and stuff....
so check out this site:
i'll oso be bringing in stuff tt my da jie buys back from shanghai and the other places she there'll so be bags, belts, accessories and many just pay the site a visit for some cheap online shopping pleasure!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
hmms...been rather busy recently...
but it was a fun period...
having a car to drive ard for a whole week, darling's 2 weeks break, hanging out with martin and hwee before their enlistment day arrived, clearing my final sem results, went for martin's and Hwee's enlistment...and the most fun of all, yst tryout at JGC!!
that was a fun 4hrs spent!! i was asked to assist in 2 classes; PlayNest and the name suggest...the PlayNest class had abt 10 babies. and we had music and (some)movement, storytelling and free play(where i get to go ard playing with them!!).. the class lasted 1.5hrs.. den it was preparation time for the next Nest class...
having finished helping out with the preparation, i rushed over to studio 1 for the PlayClub class...the toddlers were equally as cute and adorable....and it was even more enjoyable in a class with them as most of them could understand what i was saying.... similarly, the music and movement, storytelling and freeplay was super!! while in Nest, their tabletop activity i didnt get to help out much, PlayClub was alot better as i get to guide them in making their eggroll painting....
a child's creativity should never be limited to a certain boundary....their display of their creativity was immensely revealed especially through their artwork or basically any handicraft activity that they do.....and this creativity is boundless....if i were to be a parent nxt time, i would give my child free reign in doodling....i'm positive this will help her develop her skills in the most natural of ways....
if only i could take photos of some of the elephant puppets the children made yst....since their sense of arrangement is still not properly developed, their distorted elephants actually had very hilarious effects...i just cant help smiling as i watch them do their tabletop activities =)
but it was a fun period...
having a car to drive ard for a whole week, darling's 2 weeks break, hanging out with martin and hwee before their enlistment day arrived, clearing my final sem results, went for martin's and Hwee's enlistment...and the most fun of all, yst tryout at JGC!!
that was a fun 4hrs spent!! i was asked to assist in 2 classes; PlayNest and the name suggest...the PlayNest class had abt 10 babies. and we had music and (some)movement, storytelling and free play(where i get to go ard playing with them!!).. the class lasted 1.5hrs.. den it was preparation time for the next Nest class...
having finished helping out with the preparation, i rushed over to studio 1 for the PlayClub class...the toddlers were equally as cute and adorable....and it was even more enjoyable in a class with them as most of them could understand what i was saying.... similarly, the music and movement, storytelling and freeplay was super!! while in Nest, their tabletop activity i didnt get to help out much, PlayClub was alot better as i get to guide them in making their eggroll painting....
a child's creativity should never be limited to a certain boundary....their display of their creativity was immensely revealed especially through their artwork or basically any handicraft activity that they do.....and this creativity is boundless....if i were to be a parent nxt time, i would give my child free reign in doodling....i'm positive this will help her develop her skills in the most natural of ways....
if only i could take photos of some of the elephant puppets the children made yst....since their sense of arrangement is still not properly developed, their distorted elephants actually had very hilarious effects...i just cant help smiling as i watch them do their tabletop activities =)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
As u can see dear peeps..i can start reverting back to my old friendster blog ''i'm a lazy blogger''.. haha..cuz i believe all of us can see that despite me having a LOooooong holiday now, i had not been touching my blog at all...not even a draft..tsk tsk tsk...
so today's entry is just a quickie recap of those days after my last post..lets see... for 2 consecutive wednesdays, i went for Mambo night with constant clubbing partners like Liyi, chuiting and Martin...while the rest who were with us were some of our individual old friends. but having different groups of friends hanging out together proved to be really enjoyable...thanks to the close age group..
we met these 2 guys..they look like they're from America..i'm not too sure...but they are definitely a friendly bunch that u wun mind hanging ard and dancing mambo dances with..haha...we took pictures...but they forgot to get our contact to send to us.....sighz....
and then i had been alternating swimming and gym....and liyi told me i had actually slimmed down quite abit..kekeke....imagine how happy i was to hear that!! hahaha...
and then there's my dad's birthday celebration at yuki yaki...our whole family(with the exception of my da jie who's in shanghai) had a great time of eating, bonding and camwhoring...hahaha..but i'm just too lazy to upload the pics though...
and then there was dad decided to rent a car!! we were travelling all ard s'pore, as though the petrol's toally free.. and free parking everywhere..hahaa..i thnk my dad might go into shock if we were to really calculate out the amount we spent wen we had this car...hhahaha..
but usual, i get nagged for driving too fast wen i drove us down to jalan kayu for supper and then lower seletar to chill...but i kept having ppl overtake me wen i was driving down to lower seletar...cuz i was going at just 70km/h....and my mum still felt i was going too fast...
but seriously..i do thnk my driving is rather seasoned...i had not much problems at changing lanes or whatsoever....even parking had few hiccups....i'm rather proud of myself....when the time comes for my p-plate to be down..i sure am confident!!
haha..sorry for bragging..i just cant help having this sense of achievement! LOLX :D hands are tired from typing...tata~
Ooh....and my darling's POP had finally arrived!! cant wait to drive him ard and show off my skill to him..hahahahha!
so today's entry is just a quickie recap of those days after my last post..lets see... for 2 consecutive wednesdays, i went for Mambo night with constant clubbing partners like Liyi, chuiting and Martin...while the rest who were with us were some of our individual old friends. but having different groups of friends hanging out together proved to be really enjoyable...thanks to the close age group..
we met these 2 guys..they look like they're from America..i'm not too sure...but they are definitely a friendly bunch that u wun mind hanging ard and dancing mambo dances with..haha...we took pictures...but they forgot to get our contact to send to us.....sighz....
and then i had been alternating swimming and gym....and liyi told me i had actually slimmed down quite abit..kekeke....imagine how happy i was to hear that!! hahaha...
and then there's my dad's birthday celebration at yuki yaki...our whole family(with the exception of my da jie who's in shanghai) had a great time of eating, bonding and camwhoring...hahaha..but i'm just too lazy to upload the pics though...
and then there was dad decided to rent a car!! we were travelling all ard s'pore, as though the petrol's toally free.. and free parking everywhere..hahaa..i thnk my dad might go into shock if we were to really calculate out the amount we spent wen we had this car...hhahaha..
but usual, i get nagged for driving too fast wen i drove us down to jalan kayu for supper and then lower seletar to chill...but i kept having ppl overtake me wen i was driving down to lower seletar...cuz i was going at just 70km/h....and my mum still felt i was going too fast...
but seriously..i do thnk my driving is rather seasoned...i had not much problems at changing lanes or whatsoever....even parking had few hiccups....i'm rather proud of myself....when the time comes for my p-plate to be down..i sure am confident!!
haha..sorry for bragging..i just cant help having this sense of achievement! LOLX :D hands are tired from typing...tata~
Ooh....and my darling's POP had finally arrived!! cant wait to drive him ard and show off my skill to him..hahahahha!
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